Monday, March 31, 2014

Nothing Gold Can Stay

I've been thinking about entering the blogging world for a few years now but never got enough motivation to actually make it work until several weeks ago.  My friend, Jessica, is great with computers (whereas I struggle...immensely) so she helped me set this whole thing up.  So really all thanks to her I got this thing up and running (and looking pretty cute too, don't ya think?).  Here's a shout out to you, Jessica!

The title might seem strange and the poem might just seem like I'm trying to be all mysterious and not say what I mean so I'll explain the reason for the madness ;).  The poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" I first came across in the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton when I was about 11 or 12  (If you haven't read this book go pick it up from the library today).  I have loved the poem ever since and memorized it so I would never forget it.  At first I really liked this poem because it was kind of depressing with the concept of nothing good can last and the gold fading away.  For some reason I have a fascination with dark and depressing things which has constantly bewildered my mother.  That aside though I also loved the imagery of dawn approaching and fading away, touching it's golden sunlight on the leaves and grass for just a moment.  Last summer I came back to this poem again, and started pondering and trying to give it a new meaning for myself.  As I realized that the poem was talking about a beautiful golden moment that only lasts an instant I became frustrated.  Why can this gold moment only last a moment?  Why can't it last longer?  Why can't you hold it and keep it forever?  What's the point of experiencing the gold if it only lasts those few seconds?  A few days later I came back to it and had my "ah-ha!" moment.  That's why it's gold.  Those moments are gold because they can't last forever, because they cannot be held onto.

I now attempt to recognize and remember those moments of gold I have in my life however simple or complex they appear to be.  One of my favorite gold moments was when I attended the Imagine Dragons concert last May with my lifelong friends Lisa and Michael.  I have gold moments when I walk down the street and see the sky, feel my baby girl kick inside me, talk with my mom on the phone, read a good book, or receive a grin from my husband.  These are my attempts to capture the gold and hold it in my heart because, after all, "nothing gold can stay".


  1. Welcome to blogging!

    Love your use of Frost's poem, too. "Then leaf subsides to leaf,
    So Eden sank to grief" are some of my favorite poetic lines. And...I understand your draw to dark things. My mom doesn't get it either though! :) (Love you Jamie!)

  2. When I heard you had a post up, I was so excited! This post was awesome. It makes me want to recognize and capture my golden moments, too. Thanks for the shout out, girl. I love ya :)

  3. The Outsiders is one of my favorite books. I still read it once a year or so just to remind me...
    This will be a great way to save everything and then you can make it into a book.
